This week was the second ever club nordic break trip to West Yellowstone, Montana. We successfully brought 14 people to an airbnb in Idaho and skied every day this week. Great times were had all around, from redlining Rendezvous ski trails to skiing to the highest point of Lone Mountain Ranch. We emphasized bringing younger students to build a bright future for the club, and received a partial subsidy from the DOC so the trip cost was reasonable. As always, financial aid applied, so we were able to have a great time without breaking the bank. There really are too many awesome pictures to post, but here are some of my favorites!
Signing off for now, -Nat "Antisocial Brute" Alden '23
Club nordic has come a long ways since the times of Supreme Ruler Phoebe! Esteemed Captain Matt Radosevich led practice daily for several winters, and kept the club alive through some terrible snow winters. Matt and Liza Gallandt also led club nordic's first-ever break trip to Montana over winter break 2019, and we hope to have more break trips in future years. The current captains are Jacob Wesley Dell, Ella Goetze, Liza and myself (Nat Alden).
COVID did its best to ruin this year, but skiing really came to the rescue. The golf course clubhouse was converted to a ski chalet, and they groomed the whole golf course and connected it to Oak Hill! This meant that we could walk to practice every day, which was pretty awesome. Racing was a no-go this year, but we got lots of new people out skiing, and next year is set to be an awesome year for the club! Some of my highlights from leading trips with the club this winter: Going to Bretton Woods for the day, leading a s'mores full moon ski, and leading a second s'mores ski because we failed at making s'mores the first time (it's a long story). Also we got shiny new race uniforms!!! Pics or it didn't happen: The squad drove to Lake Placid and combatted granular snow, lots of uphill, borrowed skis, and klister to end up as 4th men's team both days.
Notable moments: •Tucker and Phoebe raced for the first time ever. •Pat bought the most expensive meal at dinner. •We watched Nut Job (10 out of 10 would recommend if not just for the sexual innuendo and animated Gangham Style during the credits) •Evan got 2nd in the classic race. •Pat and Alec were champs about waxing. They even took the klister off before packing up to go home. •West Point lent Tucker and Phoebe skis to participate in the classic race. •We had Ben and Jerry's. •We weren't murdered, but the waiter might have been a psychic. PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN: |
AuthorsJohn "Juan Del Bosque" DeForest '25 |